Dragana Brzaković

Vizuelna komunikacija kao podstrek timskom radu

Zabeležila sam mišljenja polaznika treninga koje vodim. Pitanje je bilo u kojim segmentima rada svog tima bi primena vizuelne fasilitacije bila korisna za njihovo unapređenje. Po mom mišljenju, jedna od značajnijih je FUN jer osigurava dobru atmosferu u kojoj tim radi koja je to preduslov za dobre rezultate. Ne kaže se bez razloga da je …

Vizuelna komunikacija kao podstrek timskom radu Прочитај више »

Ja, koja ne želi da vidi stranca kada se pogleda u ogledalu

Volim sebe u ulozi trenera vizuelne komunikacije. Postojao je period kada sam radila posao koji me nije inspirisao, posao koji nisam osećala kao svoj poziv, kada sam dozvolila da se izgubi osmeh na mom licu. Iskoračila sam, osmelila se da poverujem da će sve biti bolje ako podržim tu radoznalu i radosnu sebe u sebi, …

Ja, koja ne želi da vidi stranca kada se pogleda u ogledalu Прочитај више »

Self coaching

Kada ste neodlučni u kom smeru bi trebalo da krenete u rešavanju neke kompleksne situacije, a niste u mogućnosti da angažujete profesionalnog couch-a, ne očajavajte. Rešenje nam je obično tu pred nosom i glavni resursi su tu, u nama. Uzmite papir i olovku i zabeležite prvo što vam padne na um na zadatu temu. Dopustite …

Self coaching Прочитај више »

Rules for Visualization, Part 2: Ten Beliefs That You Should Toss Out the Window

Author: Martin Haussmann Categories: Tips, Tricks & Methods Date: 13.05.2019 Meaning, discernment, and the fascinating relationship between words and images – this is what visualization is all about. If you not only know the rules for visualization, but also know which conventional wisdom and beliefs you should toss out the window, it makes it easier to use translate …

Rules for Visualization, Part 2: Ten Beliefs That You Should Toss Out the Window Прочитај више »

Rules for Visualization, Part 1: Ten Beliefs That You Should Toss Out the Window

Author: Martin Haussmann Categories: Tips, Tricks & Methods Date: 06.05.2019 Meaning, discernment, and the fascinating relationship between words and images – this is what visualization is all about. If you not only know the rules for visualization, but also know which conventional wisdom and beliefs you should toss out the window, it makes it easier to use translate …

Rules for Visualization, Part 1: Ten Beliefs That You Should Toss Out the Window Прочитај више »

Sketchnoting in Dialogue Part 2: Business Thought Sketches in Three Steps

Author: Martin Haussmann Categories: Tips, Tricks & Methods Date: 14.10.2019 In everyday business situations, the ability to comprehend abstract knowledge is a prized skill. Anyone who can take complicated information and visualize it in drawings is in possession of an essential key competency and can, by making business processes visible, enable solutions to complex problems to be developed. …

Sketchnoting in Dialogue Part 2: Business Thought Sketches in Three Steps Прочитај више »

Sketchnoting in Dialogue, Part 1: Using Sketchnotes to Cut Through Complexity

Author: Martin Haussmann Categories: Tips, Tricks & Methods Date: 07.10.2019 Whenever we are trying to comprehend complex topics or make difficult decisions, it can be helpful to ask everyone involved to grab a pen. At the bikablo akademie, we call this type of small-format visualization “thought sketching.” It helps you to analyze everyday problems, arrive at informed opinions, and …

Sketchnoting in Dialogue, Part 1: Using Sketchnotes to Cut Through Complexity Прочитај више »